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Meet Pro Team Member Remi Warren

If hunting is a passion of yours, there's a good chance you're familiar with professional bowhunter and guide Remi Warren. Remi's name has been a staple within the hunting community in recent years as he's taken down some of the most impressive game we've seen during his hunts and guiding jobs all over North America. 

Get to know a bit about Pro Team member Remi Warren by watching our film "Why We Hunt" and reading the questions below. If you want to learn even more about Remi, visit his Instagram where he shares all the hunting and live-fire cooking inspiration you've been looking for. 


1) Where’s the place you feel the most grounded or at home?

It seems weird but my home spot could be a place where I’ve never been before. Anytime I’ve got a backpack, tent, and all my stuff and I just head out, especially when I’m by myself, it just feels like I’m at home. 

2) Is there something you consider unique about your approach to hunting?

I don’t know if it’s unique but it’s a shared experience that maybe some people talk about - I think for me if someone says “why do you hunt?” it’s so many things. For me it’s the food, but there’s also this aspect of adventure and I want it to be a challenge. I don’t like the easy way. 

3) When were you introduced to hunting?

I don’t even know the first time I went out hunting with my dad, it was probably before memory. I saw a picture, it was a picture of my dad and my mom, they were in a backcountry camp and I’m in a backpack probably a year old and they were sleeping in a wall tent, hunting elk in Montana. I just grew up around it so my first experiences are those memories of it. 

4) How do you continue to challenge yourself and level up your hunting game? 

When I first started self filming, people were like, “You can’t take a mule deer with a bow and self film it” and I was like, “Ok, I’ll prove you wrong on that.” That became the thing that I would do. Constantly challenging myself has made me so much better of a hunter.

5) What has been your favorite hunting experience?

Last year my wife went on her first bow hunt and it was a really cool experience because she was actually pregnant with our daughter and she decided she wanted to get into bow hunting. I was thinking that bow hunting’s very difficult and especially when you’re just getting started. I think she hunted twenty-something days before her seeing a deer and to see her go through that and be successful in the end was a pretty cool experience for me. 

6) What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned from hunting? 

One of the most valuable things I’ve learned is self-reliance. I think so many times when you’re doing your daily thing, you’re relying on other people. When I go out in the wild by myself it’s just me - instantaneous decision making and being responsible for your safety and your life. 

7) What’s your go-to over-the-fire meal? 

I love tomahawk-type cut steaks and just the basic steak over-the-fire is probably my go-to. I like eating it with my hands right off the grate. Pretty simple, just a little bit of seasoning, some kind of garlic salt, and then right over the flame.